Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to spend over $40 on ideas in one afternoon

Since I finished the Fetching, I've been trying to decide on what to knit next. As with many knitters, while I'm knitting something I want to cast on a trillion different projects, (and frequently do), but now that I'm done, nothing has quite felt right for the next project.

After spending many nights doing nothing but looking at patterns and rejecting them on Ravelry, I finally got up and dressed on Saturday morning and headed out to Wool Tyme where I spent a good hour or working my way around the store looking at patterns and molesting yarn. Finally I found the Great American Afghan and the Great American Aran Afghan books and bought them. I then stopped by Knit-Knackers on my way home, but miraculously left without any yarn at all!

Once home I went onto Ravelry once more and bought two patterns that had caught my eye: Nunt's Cabled Wristwarmers (which looks absolutely beautiful and elegant, and as a bonus the designer is REALLY nice and offered to help me if I need any while I'm working on them), and Pretty as a Peacock, which is the most beautiful lace piece I've ever seen, really clean and modern, not all frilly and flowery. I don't care that I've never knit lace before, and that this is a terrible choice for a first object, I'm in love! I've been searching for a smaller lace project to perhaps tackle before I attempt the shawl, but so far haven't found anything that appeals to me at all.

Now, time to go back to swearing at the afghan books for "place 28 increases evenly" (The reason I bought a bloody pattern was so that they would do all the figuring out FOR me! #^&!!!!!!!)


Nunt said...

Easy, divide stitch count by 28, round down if needed, divide remainder by 2 and those are your edge-stitches...

Example: 100sts, add 28 evenly.
100 / 27 = 3.7, round down to 3,
27 * 3 = 81
100 - 81 = 19
19 * 2 = 9.5

End result: knit 9, (make 1, knit 3) 27 times, make 1, knit 10. = 128 sts

Note that make 1 means that you need to increase a sts from the "bar" between 2 stitches to get the stitch count correct.

Nunt said...

Asch, I meant, divide by 27, because if you divide by 28 you will get 3+edge stitches after the last increase. So divide by stitch-count minus 1, unless division by sts count gives you an even number.

Bravely Barefoot said...

I loveth you nunt! Thank you!!!